Tuesday 22 December 2015

Chandelier Bling

What kind of a room is this
Where chandeliers bathe in
Sunlight peeking through a cloud

Where curtains provide that
Mysterious hint of doubt
And windows are turned inside out

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Stubborn Eyes

Don't expect me to stand
Can't you see I'm morose?

Just shoot me from where you are
With a borrowed leg in frame

Who knows?
You just might get that
Unexpected pose

The Blur

Every decision in life
Must be quick
It better be quick

Life tells the amateur

If you are unwilling to ride
And are happy to just
Stand by and watch

I'm sorry my friend,
I'm gonna be rushing by
In a blur

Wednesday 25 November 2015

The Confrontation

Two ladies look 
At each other
Daggers drawn

One suspects
The other of stealing
Her fish or pet mice

The other thinks her
Opponent may burgle 
Some of her precious 
Nine lives

The Estranged Couple

Not for us
The facade of a
Wedding band

Not for us the
Constant need
To wallow in mush

And just keep
Holding hands

Tuesday 17 November 2015

The Rickshaw Puller

This isn't a job
That needs any kind of pull
(Well, not that kind of pull anyways)

Nor is it that kind of job
That needs a lot of push
(Well, not that kind of push anyways)

All I need for this job to go fine
Is for someone's butt to land on
These seats before I can get off mine

Life, the artist

What are the words?
Which are the images?
That so effortlessly
Touch the heart?

Some of them happen
In those rare coincidences
When life just loves
To imitate art

Saturday 22 August 2015

Belated Independence Day

Why must I celebrate
My freedom on
Just a day or two?

Think I'll eat a plate
Of beef today
Watch some porn
Hook up with a girl
In a seedy hotel
Who'll make me feel glad
That I was born

Post orgasmic bliss will be
Embraced with dirty talk
And curses
Accompanied with
A reading of Satanic Verses

Only when I manage to do
All of the above

Will I doff my hat to the moral police
And celebrate my independence
For sure

Steel Rain

We're cutting down our trees
Poisoning our rivers
Butchering the environment

So you may ask
What's the big deal?
So what if the earth heats up
And the rains fail us

We can all quench our thirst
With this man made
Rain of steel

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Noah's Ark

Here am I a volunteer
Rounding up members for
A modern day
Noah's ark

Don't think I am hassled
By my four-legged friends
I enjoy being caught up
Between bleat and bark

Dead End

Don't flag down my
My train of thought
You know it's prone
To get derailed

I know I must speed
Full steam ahead and
Knock down the writer's block
That stands in my way

Dual Tones

Two colours do I have as friends
In this cluttered and complicated world
Friends whose simple advice brings
On my face a glow

For while one commands me
To stop
The other encourages me
To go

Friday 2 January 2015

Graffiti Gripes

It is a strange
Time indeed
To be in love

Certainly not
For us, the 
Human race

For we get the
Seeing couples
In love

Looks like only
The animated
Can indulge in
Some PDA