Thursday 24 July 2014

The Hand Of God

How I wish our Gods
Were cast in flesh
And bone

So that on seeing
Man's brutality to man

At least God would
Not be accused
Of having a heart
Made with stone

The Rhythm Of The Rain

Tis such a
Beautiful thing
When the
Pitter-patter of rain

Is matched by the
Pitter-patter of feet

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Solitude Lane

When my mind
Has enough of
The crowds
The noise
The pain  

That's when it
Takes a stroll down
Solitary lane.

The Cycle Diaries

It's difficult for me
To stray off course
Propelled as I am
By a parental force 

Paint The Town

Each one of us
Is coloured by
The stains of
A dried up

But give us
Fresh cans of paint

And we'll be willing
To paint the town
With your preferred

Valentine Day Blues

Roses may be red
And Love's backdrop
Is definitely blue
In full bloom

For when political parties
Frown on couples in love
The outcome for me
Is steeped in doom
And gloom

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Life Lessons

Yes dey teech us
To reed and rite
Wish dey wud teech
Us to not believe
In mighte

Yes dey teech us
How to pray
But i wish dey teech
Us the need for fair play

Yes dey teech us
To do the sums
Wish i lernt how to
React to injustice
And not be mum

Hand Of God

How many hands
Do you think a god needs?

Since man alternates between
Bestiality and piety

All God needs is
One hand to curse
And one hand to bless

Every Face Tells A Story

All faces get worn out
And old
It's a scary proposition


The really scary faces
Are those that can
Mask their real emotions