Monday 25 November 2013

Heart Pangs

What is a heart
If its fate is not
To love

What is Love
If its destiny
Is not to be
Torn Apart

Thursday 21 November 2013

Toying Around

Don't worry about me
Cos I'm a lonely boy

I've run away to
This quiet corner

Because I don't want
To share my
New-found toy

A Study In Browns

A rust-red box
In muddy land

In this bleak and
Inanimate landscape

It's a relief to
Spot a human hand

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Rubble of the Mind

I've demolished 
My memories
I've erased all the
Feelings from
My mind
Now only one
Question remains
How do I clear 
The rubble they've
Left behind

Spinning Circles

When the winds
Of fate
Spin us in circles
Round and around

Go with the flow
And show within you
Just how many
Colours abound

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Barrenness in Brrr Major

Just how cold
Do you think
It must be

When the trees
Have all lost
Their blanket of leaves

Sunlit Lanterns

Who says lanterns
Are meant only
For the night

Here are a bunch
Showing off their glory
In broad daylight

In God's Name

When people of one religion
Kill humans from another
In God's name
Then they should keep in mind
That it is their own God
Who hangs his head
In shame

Thursday 7 November 2013

Festival of Lights

Glittering lights
That shimmer all night
Here's to the day
When they'll spread
The warmth in
All of our lives

Monday 4 November 2013

Mango Crates

Here I sit atop
Loads of crates
The mind full of
Tunes and crazy
Hip hop

A natural phenomenon
When your farm
Has been rewarded
With a bumper crop

Colonial Cousins

Two cousins
Unrelated in form
Are not so unrelated
In functions divine

For while one belts out
Musical scores
The other is busy
Marking time 

Firecracker Fantasy

Sparklers and flowerpots
Rockets and bombs
How I wish I could light
All these firecrackers

But since they are all
So horribly out of reach
It is best to remind myself
It's dangerous to play with fire