Tuesday 30 October 2012

Veil Of Optimism

If a sense of gloom
Is what I lack
It's because
The springs I sell
Teach me to bounce
Right back

The Sacrificial Lamb

Today you are
The object of my affection
Tomorrow you'll be
The subject of my dissection

Thursday 18 October 2012

Six Feet Under

Why do people let?
Corruption seep into
Their body, mind and soul

Where will they stash
Their ill-gotten gains
When every man's final destination
Is nothing but a hole

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Standing Proud

Never mind if I have
Been stripped of every single leaf
I am grounded firmly
With the roots of my conviction
That ensure that I'll never
Ever be stripped of my dignity

Cutting Idea

When the world has done its utmost
To drive you around the bend
With its question, "Why"

That's the time to just take
A deep breath and  indulge
In a piping hot cuppa chai!

Tuesday 2 October 2012

The Ultimate Religion

Among all the religions
Invented in the name of Gods
When will we realise that
Following them has no meaning
If we don't adhere to the one
Invented by a man.

The religion of peace.

The Man and the Sun

What a different world
This would be
If each of us walked its paths
As an apostle of peace